Buy phone number

Buy phone numbers from countries like USA, United Kingdom, Canada for online sms verification

Phone number

With Blacktel you can easily buy a phone number online from all over the world. Our phone numbers come with different services - for calls (voice), text (SMS) and fax - enabled. Buy multiple numbers within your Blacktel virtual phone.

Many countries have local regulations about numbers, so we categorize phone numbers in three main types:

🌐 No regulations

To buy this phone numbers you don't need to provide any identity information. They are perfect for worldwide use cases and mostly come with dual capabilities for voice and text so its perfect to use with our CALL+SMS service.

🌈 Regulated for worldwide use

To buy these phone numbers you may need to provide your identity to the local authorities. Your identity can be anywhere from the world, so you don't need a citizenship for the phone numbers' country. Also foreign companies can buy phone numbers from these country.

Not all phone numbers from these countries are regulated. This depends mostly on the type of the phone number as well as you are an individual or company. If a virtual phone number needs a regulations, you will see it when you try to buy it to your Blacktel.

⚡ Regulated locally

You need a citizenship for this countries to buy phone numbers from. You need to proof that you are a citizen or local company from this country.

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